Saturday, December 28, 2019

5 important ways to talk about disability during a job search

5 important ways to talk about disability during a job search5 important ways to talk about disability during a job searchLooking for a job is one of the hardest tasks we face in our careers, and it can be even more challenging for disabled Americans. Yes, thanks to the Americans with Disabilities Act, which just turned 27 years old, its against the law for employers to discriminate against people for any disabilities. Life, however, is rarely that simple.The ADA provides some strong protections that require only two things from job-seekers the candidate has to disclose his or her disability to the employer and ask for reasonable accommodations. That deceptively simple checklist can be fraught, however, when it comes to the details. For instance, who do you disclose to? And when do you tell your potential employers in the application, at the interview, after you get an offer, or some other time? And then what do you do if your employer disagrees with your requests?We talked to some e xperts and asked them for their best advice on the web of responsibilities and rights that go along with the job search for disabled people.We spoke to Curtis Richards, Director of the Center for Workforce Development at the Institute for Educational Leadership. The IEL works with young people with disabilities, caregivers and professionals to help disabled youth transition from high school to college and careers. And Richards knows how hard the job market can be As a young man before the ADA passed as law, he had wanted to be a journalist, but no editor would hire him due to his vision-related disability. Now hes fighting to make sure no one else encounters the discrimination that he faced or, if they do, that they know how to respond.Here are five key things Richards says you should know about finding that accessible job of your dreams.Know ThyselfCurtis helped create the 411 forDisclosing Disability, apublication that starts by asking the prospective job seeker to know thoroughly what they may need for an ideal work environment.The first thing they need to know, Richards says, is that all disclosure is personal. The goal is to help people with disabilities think about their identities and needs, what accommodations might help them thrive in the workplace, and to take the reins for their own futures through self-determination. As the 411 says, Self-determination is the desire, ability, and practice of directing ones own life, and it empowers people to seek assistance when needed. When people with disabilities learn to advocate for themselves, they often get much better outcomes.Know exactly how the law protects youThe ADA is an expansive law that offers protection for peoples rights in the application process, in the interview process, in the offer process, and in the employment process. The tender spots Everyone needs to understand what a reasonable accommodation is, but also what might be an undue burden, where an employer argues they cant meet a specific request. If youre confused, one place to turn is the disability discrimination page at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Not only do they define your rights, but they might be a place to turn when things go badly. More on that in a moment.Who do you talk to and what do you say?You do have to tell some people at work about your disability if you want to access your rights. But you dont have to start the job hunt by disclosing disability. Richards says that the key is to think about whether, there is a benefit to disclosing to somebody in a work setting. You dont need to tell all your medical history to everyone. Human resources will need to know, as will your immediate supervisor, most likely. And beyond that, you make a decision. For example, he says, if your disability means asking your cubemate to plattl up a pen on the floor because you cant visually distinguish where it is, you might want to tell them too.One important thing to remember your rights apply at any time t hat you decide you do need an accommodation. Even if you havent disclosed a disability previously, you can start the process at any time. This matters, because needs change over time, whether through changing circumstances, progressive disability, or the transitions that our bodies and minds make as we age.What to ask for?Accommodations are as unique as each person. Fortunately, the Job Accommodation Network (JAN) is here to help. Its a collaboration between industry, West Virginia University, and the Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) at the Department of Labor. Theyve put together an incredibly useful website Ask JAN. Here, you can search by disability, topic, or type of need to see how other people like you have sought accommodations in the workplace. You and your employer dont have to invent a new system from scratch, but can turn to this site as your starting point to make sure the workplace accommodates you. What to do when it all goes wrongAll of this has been pre tty optimistic, but things dont always go well. Sometimes, employers claim that accommodating your need would be an undue burden. Other times, they might want to substitute their idea of an ideal accommodation with another (perhaps cheaper) option. And in the worst case scenario, you might be discriminated against and get neither the accommodation nor the job.Youre not alone. Richards says that if you think theres a problem, start by finding an advocate trained in the ADA. Theyre everywhere. There are ADA technical assistance centers all over the country. Independent living organizations all over the country. Protection and advocacy organizations all over the country. Richards is referring the to the Independent Living Networks. You canfind them here by looking for services in your community, and Protection and Advocacy networks. Disability rights law has put experts all over the country. Find them and use them Call them and use them to get started.If you want to file a complaint, c all the EEOC or state labor agencies that are ready to defend the rights of disabled Americans to work. Asa final resort, if nothing else works and the situation is important enough to your time and future, Richards adds, you may want to get a lawyer.Whatever path you choose, being your own best advocate is the best start.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

How to Get the Salary You Want

How to Get the Salary You WantHow to Get the Salary You Want Throughout your professional career, you will experience changes in compensation. In some cases, it will be a great experience and youll see your salary increase as you get promoted or gain experience but in other cases, your pay might elend equate to your level of experience, or you might find that youre underpaid compared to colleagues.Getting the salary you want or determining how much you deserve to be paid is tough path to navigate, especially when youre not sure if you should negotiate for a higher salary at your current job, or seek a better offer from another company.If youre leaving your current job because you feel you arent being paid well , the most important thing to keep in mind during your new job search is to make sure you receive a fair salary at your next company. Negotiating salaries can be tricky, nerve-wracking and confusing. Therefore, its incredibly important that you do the res earch and financial planning that goes into landing a job with fair, equal pay.But, how do you do that, especially if you have no idea what you want or how much youre worth? Here are a few pieces of advice to consider.We cant say it enough, if you want to get a good salary, you need to know your worth in the current job market . This is why we built our Know Your Worth tool to give you the opportunity to understand your value in the workforce. Whether you went to school, have years of experience or skills that can translate to relevant experience, you deserve to be paid fair, regardless of your age. Part of figuring out the ideal salary includes personal financial planning . When you factor in all of your living costs (rent, utility bills, insurance, car payments, etc.,) hopefully your salary isnt just enough for you to make ends meet. Before you can determine the salary that fits both your living costs and equates to your job experience, you have to have your personal finances in order. The goal is to find a balance that will allow you to both cover your monthly costs and save some of your earnings.Once you have a handle on your personal finances and know how much you can command in the marketplace, youll have a much better idea ofthat target number.If you are in the interview process, a strategic move is to research the company to find out how well they pay their current employees, especially those in similar roles to the one you are applying for. Look up salary information on Glassdoor , which is an essential step to preparing for future salary negotiation. For example, if you see that the company is underpaying for the position, you can use that to make a case for why you deserve a higher salary .4. Let the company make the first offerOne of the most important rules of thumb to salary negotiations is you do not have to tell employers what you are or were earning at your previous company. Let the employer make the first offer, then you can follo w it up with a higher number, and further showcase why you not only deserve to be hired, but that you deserved to be hired at a better pay rate because of the value you are bringing to their team. If you walk into the interview already agreeing to the salary they have listed or mentioned, then youre likely losing money because they assume they can get a highly qualified candidate for lower pay. You dont want that to happen. So if you are asked during your interview about what you expect to earn or what you were making in your previous job, kindly decline to answer and instead shift the focus to your experience and what makes you the absolutely best candidate for this position. 5. Know what other companies will pay you for the jobOne of the biggest mistakes people make during a job search is focusing on one company. Sure, you really want to work at your dream company and thats fine. However, that doesnt mean you shouldnt interview at other places too. Doing so can actually be helpful because it will giveyou a gunst der stunde to see what other companies are paying , so if and when you get an offer from your dream company, youll know how their offer stacks up to those from other companies.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Physical Training Uniform Wear Rules in the Navy

Physical Training Uniform Wear Rules in the NavyPhysical Training Uniform Wear Rules in the NavyEach branch of the military has separate uniforms for different functions. For instance, combat fatigues are not worn during a formal military ceremony, and dress uniforms are not worn during boot camp. During calisthenics, exercise, and some drills, there is a physical training uniform (PTU).The PTU may also be worn on and off base for fitness orleisureunless determined otherwise by regional coordinators or commanding officers. Navy Requirements The PTU, now available in Navy Exchanges, is required for command and unit physical training, and the semi-annualphysical fitness assessment(PFA The basic PTU for sailors includes A gold long-sleeved or short-sleeved shirt with the word Navy on the left chest area and back of the shirtNavy blue shorts with the word Navy on the left legBlack sweats with the word Navy on the left leg of the pants and the left chest of the sweatshirt.Comfortable running shoes, of any color, are allowed as footwear In 2017, the Navy introduced a long-awaited fitness tracksuit, which is an approved two-piece jacket and pants. The suits were issued to new recruits and were later made available to all enlisted sailors. While sailors pay for the jacket and pants, they get reimbursed for the cost in their clothing allowances. Officers, who dont receive clothing allowances, pay for the cost of the fitness suit out of pocket How to Wear the PTU During command exercise in port, the PTU shirt must be tucked into the shorts during individual PT, or on liberty, shirts may be worn in or out of shorts. While a sea, the PTU is worn at the discretion of the commanding officer. Shorts must be worn on the waist. The length of the shorts may not extend below the top of the knee. Athletic socks must be worn and shall not extend above mid-calf. Low-cut socks are permitted. Pregnant sailors will wear the shirt out and will discontinue wearing the PTU when it becomes too tight. Female sailors should wear a sport or dress brassiere under the PTU. The tracksuit is meant to be worn over PT shorts and shirts during fitness training, and during the physical readiness test, sailors take twice a year. The jacket should be zipped at least three quarters, and sleeve cuffs should hit at the wrist (this is a uniform after all, and should look tidy). As with other PTU shorts and pants, the tracksuit pants are intended to be worn fully on the waist, with the pant leg hitting the top of the shoe, but not touching the ground. Ball caps are allowed as part of the PTU in inclement weather as long as they are Navy-issue. It is at the discretion of the commanding officer. The PTU cannot be worn while in a duty position or when conducting official business on base such as visiting medical treatment, galleys, or Personnel Support Detachments.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

How to improve your networking skills at big events

How to improve your networking skills at big eventsHow to improve your networking skills at big eventsIn business, its all about who you know. Thats why networking is such an important skill to master. Whether youre chatting with someone in an elevator or attending an industry conference, you never know who youll meet - and thats precisely why you start the conversation.You might be new to the practice, or you might be an experienced networker. Either way, theres always room for improvement - here are six ways to hone the skill and shine at your next networking event.1. Be a Good ListenerYou might think networking is all about what you say, but listening is actually an essential skill to bring to your next event. The partie with whom youre speaking will tell if youre not paying close attention to what theyre saying. Ask thoughtful questions in response to what you hear is one way to show youre listening. Exhibit open body language. Smile. These are all ways to show youve listened to everything they said.Not only will your listening skills make a good impression, but youll gain something from them, too. Youll learn about the person youre speaking to, and youll figure out quickly what value you can gain from one another. Plus, youll build a valuable connection much more quickly this way.You wont simply exchange business cards and scuttle off - youll remember their name, and youll more likely connect later, too.2. Have a Real ConversationTo that end, try and cultivate a genuine connection at your next networking event. All of your conversations dont have to be industry-related - in fact, schmoozing this way can leave a bad taste in your mouth afterward.So, ask people questions about themselves and their lives. You might find a lasting connection based on your family lives, interests or upbringing. That commonality will be what forges arelationship outside of the event, not the fact you spent five minutes talking about your business and the industry in which you w ork.3. Prove Youre Trustworthy Rather Than SuccessfulYou might think that potential connections will want to work with you because of your proven track record of success. But at a networking event, its not about your bottom line - its about your perceived trustworthiness.Think about it - a connection wont want to put in a good word for you unless they think you will prove their recommendation right. Their reputations are on the line, too, so show that youre worthy of their trust, build a real connection and see where it takes you.4. Dont Circulate Too MuchYou might think youre supposed to cycle from conversation to conversation at these types of extra-large networking events. However, circulating too quickly can be a bad look.For one thing, you wont remember what anyones saying if you move from one person to another as fast as you think you should. Weve already covered the importance of listening, as well as the value of a genuine conversation. None of these must-dos will be possibl e if you talk to everyone in the room.On top of that, other networkers will notice you always looking over their shoulder to see who else you can talk to. Needless to say, thats not a good feeling to have, and it wont reflect well on you as a connection. So, try and cultivate more in-depth conversations that mean something more to you both - that way, the relationships you make will stick.5. Follow Up After the FactSome might argue that the networking event isnt the most critical part of the process - the follow-up is. This is where the connection becomes stronger and solidified, as you offer upopportunities to work together, speak further, share contacts, etc.Of course, theres an art to the follow-up, too. Youll want to craft the perfect schmelzglas to each one of your new connections. Its critical that you personalize every message, so the person knows you remember them and that you value the conversation you shared. But you dont just want to send an email for no reason - make a valuable proposition with each message. Otherwise, why would they email you back if theres no call to action?6. Be Open to AnythingYoull always have an idea of how a networking event will go. You might also go with a list of attendees youd like to speak to. However, youll never know what will happen until you actually go, and your agenda could be squashed when you connect with someone unexpected. The best plan to have is no plan at all - instead, be open to speaking to anyone about anything. Merely being approachable could open doors you never knew were there.Be YouNo matter what, networking requires you to be yourself when you speak to, connect with and follow up with all the connections you make. Keeping these six tips in mind will make you even more comfortable and effective at the next networking event and beyond.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Finding Resume Software Skills Online

Finding Resume Software Skills Online Key skills are work-related skills that you will need to do a job. Hardware skills enable you to physically operate a computer. 3 First, you should pick the best skills for your resume. Identifying desirable essential skills is vital. Wherever you choose to place your skills on your resume, be certain to tailor your list of skills to the specific job. Instead, review the job posting for the necessary skills and be certain to list the major skills you do possess. Instead, youre highlight relevant abilities and achievements from previous work in the neatly-aligned bullet points. You dont have the fundamental computer skills you want to receive the job that you desire. Identify the skills which you have. If youre not certain which skills you would like to share, consider your prior experiences. Job-specific skills vary depending on the position. Listing your skills provides a chance to showcase your abilities and experiences to prime emp loyers for the remainder of your resume. For example, if youre asking for a tech job, you dont need to outline all your basic computer abilities. If you believe you have the talent, you should submit an application for the job. Hard skills can be classified in various ways, based on your job title. They tend to be more technical, and each industry or type of job will usually have its own required set. The website also hosts a network for employers searching for new talent. Unfortunately for most people, resume writing is a troublesome task because workers have trouble deciding what should and shouldnt go on their resume. For lots of people, it can be difficult to create a quick resume that attracts employers. When youre job searching, employers are likely to want to understand about your computer abilities. The Basic Facts of Resume Software Skills Accounting computer software skills are important if youre applying for positions in the finance or company sectors. Template s might be used for making CV, resume in buchen to apply for jobs. You may be quite very good at file management, but if your career progression is accomplished by doing clerical work, you do not have to mention that. Youll list your latest work positions initially, and return through past jobs in reverse-chronological order from that point. Today, just about any job requires a fundamental comprehension of computers, and lots of jobs involve intermediate to advanced computer abilities. Your resume should highlight the abilities and experience which are most important write relevant to the forms of positions youre targeting. Why Almost Everything Youve Learned About Resume Software Skills Is Wrong Ease of Use and client Service Since youre trying to discover the best resume software for the price, you would like to ensure the program is user friendly and will hook you up with a trusted customer service department in the event you encounter trouble. Your skills section stipulate s a window into how much capability you are able to bring to the corporation. If a work advertisement needs specific info on your resume, youve got to give it. Dont be afraid to add as much info and detail as you wish to run an extremely very good job search and stay in addition to your activities and progress. Google Docs is a completely free word processor which you can access online for practice. Software developers require a lot of tools under their belt. ur Software Developer resume sample is going to be the remedy to your job search. The Software Developer resume objective is just a little section. Double-check if youre employing the ideal abilities and experience keywords. Each word on your resume can be a trigger for a question via an interviewer, and youll frequently be requested to provide examples of the skills which you have referenced. With a bit of patience and research, youll find the most suitable program to fit your requirements. The straightforward answe r is to stop you from applying. Because some level of software knowledge is obligatory for most candidates in the present job market, it is a great idea to devote a section of your resume exclusively to your computer abilities. There are a couple distinct forms of skill sections and formatting alternatives that you should think about when crafting your resume. If youre not acquainted with them, sign up for a couple courses and get certified. By way of example, knowledge of foreign languages is an excellent skill that may be convenient in various professional contexts.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

A Secret Weapon for Writing My Skills Resume

A Secret Weapon for Writing My Skills Resume Resume writing can be an overwhelming job, and it can be difficult to understand what things to include and what to leave out. Writing and editing is a rather extensive category. Writing and editing need a lot of interrelated abilities, and its tricky to understand what to include. Soft abilities, on the flip side, arent simple to quantify. Hard abilities, on the flip side, could be taught and learned on the way. Technical skills are either something youve got or you dont, but theyre always something which youre able to learn. Double-check if youre utilizing the appropriate abilities and experience keywords. Rather than listing every skill you might have, its much better to list the skills that are related to the position. 3 First, you must select the best skills for your resume. Communication skills are among the most valuable abilities that employers search for as they are central to a lot of professionals and play an impor tant part in most. Resume is being regarded as a potent tool to advertise oneself for a specific job prospect. Hard skills can be classified in various ways, based on your job title. Carefully reread the work description and choose which skills are completely essential for the job. Some say it is the hard skills that needs to be included, since theyre those that are less difficult to quantify and measure, which means performance evaluation is more objective. Hard and soft skills say various things to prospective employers, and you would like to be speaking the language of hard skills. The Upside to Writing My Skills Resume 1 other approach to describe hard skills is that theyre quantifiable or measurable. As soon as youre done Get rid of all of the skills you simply have a simple grasp of. List all the skills which you have. You should do the exact same for technical skills also. What to Do About Writing My Skills Resume Before Its Too Late Writing is a daily portion o f several jobs and its a significant part communication. Written language skills are an essential part of many positions in virtually every industry. Want to Know More About Writing My Skills Resume? Resumes may be used for a number of reasons, but most often theyre utilized to secure new employment. They may be organized in different ways.